Wednesday 29 February 2012

Daily Journal

Today I have finished my 1 page report which is a big accomplishment for our Grasp Task. Something that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow is my input/ output chart. Two things I would have done differently today would be to stay more focused and maybe I should be more prepared for next time.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Speech Full


Did you know that obesity is the number 1 killer in the United States? Hi, I am Sam Charlton and I am going to explain how obesity is an avoidable problem in our times.

But before we get to far into this let’s talk about what obesity really is. Obesity is a very serious medical condition in which extra body fat has increased to the point where it may have an effect on the person’s health.

In the year 2000, over 400,000 people died because of obesity only in America. This is a very serious disease that needs to stop immediately.  This year just from January 1, 2012 to Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 31283 people died of obesity. Over 63% of Americans are obese. That means that in America, 6 out of 10 people you pass are obese.  

Having Obesity in your life can mean a shortened life, chest pain, and sleep apnea, which is the difficulty to breath while sleeping.  Some of the other life threatening side affects to obesity are type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and circulatory problems in general.

One of the causes of obesity today would be that people are eating more processed food than healthy food. For instance, one slice of pepperoni pizza from pizza hut has 250 calories, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and 590 mg of sodium. This is not a healthy food choice for anybody. While you’re average garden salad has 49 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 23mg of salt not to mention the benefit of all the vitamins you find in salad, which you don’t find in pizza. You decide which ones healthier.

There is a theory that obesity can also be caused by the fact that healthy food costs more than junk food. People with less money eat more junk food like McDonalds because it is more affordable to them than it is to buy a healthy meal for them. You cannot blame this on the person with obesity.

Our lifestyles today are very busy. Most families today have two working parents. Food shopping and preparing for a healthy meal can be very difficult and certainly time consuming. This is another reason why people choose fast food over healthy food so that they can get a quick meal inexpensively because on the surface, a supersized meal at McDonalds at the drive thru for less then eight dollars. It would take a lot more creativity and time to make a healthy meal for eight dollars but it is really important that we need to think about how that can be possible.

Cyril Connolly once said, “ Imprisoned in every obese man, a thin one is wildly signalling to be let out.” This quote means that every man has the desire to change.  However, it starts with making better choices in general even when they are not easy. For instance, we need to take more time into shopping and preparing healthy food rather than pulling into the next drive thru. We need to educate children like us earlier so that they know what is healthy and what isn’t. Finally we need to make sure that healthy food choices are available and affordable in our school and work cafeterias.   So, now that you have heard this speech, I hope that you understand that obesity is a really big problem for our times that can be avoided and it starts with making better choices.



Monday 13 February 2012

English Questions Continued

3. What part of the story was the funniest? or most exciting? or saddest? Explain.
 I think that the most exciting part of the story that I am at so far is after Sami, Marty, and Andy were getting interrogated by the Hermit on the Island. I think this because this is the most suspense and action packed moment because of the fact that the hermit is pointing a shotgun at Sami's forehead. This made me want to read on and see what else was going to happen in the book Borderline.

Well, thats it for now. Don't forget, I have my weekly video coming out tomorrow. It might be mine, it might be somebody else's but I know that there will be a video tomorrow. 

Monday 6 February 2012

Hi, i'm going to say why I think that Stewardship is better than Dominion.

Weekly Video

Hey guys, I'm now going to start a weekly video kind of thing. So if you like this video, don' t forget to subscribe and like on youtube to my channel called MrPandamanXL

English Questions

2. Choose a character from the book and tell what you think about that person. Would you like to have that person as a friend? Why or why not? Be specific and use examples to defend your decision. 

A character I would choose fromt the book Borderline would be the main character Sami Sabiri. I think that I would like to have Sami as a a friend because he is kind and funny at times. He is also a guy who would always go with a guys decision.