Tuesday 24 April 2012

Daily Design Journal #5

Day 5: Today was the testing day for our bridges. Our bridge withstood 2000 grams which was much more than we expected it to hold. We also had to finish our daily journals and hand in our sketches today. I have also now finished my good structures report for Friday. Things that I would like to get done for tomorrow is to get my reflection done or to at least start the reflection.

Monday 23 April 2012

Daily Design Journal #4

Day 4:

Accomplishments: I am almost finished the project and am just now finishing up and editing my individual structures report. I will have all of my stuff put on one document for tomorrow's presentation.

Things that I would like to get done for tomorrow: I would like to get all my Daily Design Journals done for tomorrow. I would also like to like to get all of my files and my drawings and paste them onto a single document where it would be easy to access if needed.

Friday 20 April 2012

Design Daily Journal #1, 2, and 3

Day #1:

My partner and I got a lot accomplished on the first day. After we finished our sketches, we started building our bridge. We did this for the whole class. Things that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow is to finish our bridge and maybe test it out by putting 500 grams on it.

Day #2:

Today we finished our bridge and have tested it out. We figured out that we can put 3 pounds on it! This is more than enough weight for when we need for our bridge testing. Things that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow is to start my individual report for tomorrow.

Day #3: We took pictures of our final bridge product. I will need to hand those in for our final presentation of our bridge. I have also started my individual report which we will also need for the presentation of our bridge. Some things that I would like to get done for tomorrow is to finish my individual report.

Thursday 19 April 2012

War Horse Joey's Side

I have entered a mysterious boat where I am being taken to another country. My new rider is a very friendly person except the other humans on the ship don't treat them like he does to me. The journey is making some of the people on the boat nervous and sick. I wish I could go home but it is too late now. I am in for a long night. We finally reach some sort of battlefield. People are falling off of other horses and they are spurting a red liquid from their body. I see people falling on the ground all around me. Then, my rider gets hit with a small metal object and falls off me. I am alone in a war zone.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Daily Journal 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14

Day 9:

We finally finished our digital model and are starting our script for our documentary. Things that I would like to get accomplished tomorrow are to start filming our documentary and finishing our good copy for our 1 page report.

Day 10:

We are almost finished filming our documentary and we have almost fully memorized our script. Things that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow are to finish editing and create my good copy for my input/output chart.

Day 11:

We are almost done editing our documentary and we have had to redo some parts of our documentary except I believe that we will have it done for tomorrow. Some things that I would like to get done tomorrow are to finish editing our documentary and improve our digital model.

Day 12: We have decided to do another screen record of the video because we needed to edit some parts and we also needed to add a introduction to our documentary. Some things that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow is to finally finish my good copy for my contamination report.

Day 13: I finished my good copy for everything and we are now adding a bit more to our documentary and finally adding some final touches to make our documentary as good as we can make it. Things that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow are to make sure that everyone has finished their good copy of everything in their individual assessment.

Day 14: This our last day of work for our Grasp Task. We finally finished all our Grasp Task individual work and we are going to put the documentary on a USB for our presentation tomorrow. We also have to create our map and finish our works cited for tomorrow.

Friday 30 March 2012

"Harrison Bergeron" Response

1. How does the story make you feel?

This story makes me feel very confused and questioned. I think this because of the system that the people of this society are using to create equality even though things in the story are not equal at all. For instance, people are dying because people are trying to make things better and more equal for this society. In conclusion, this is why I feel very confused and questioned.

2. Is everyone equal in the society described in the story? If so how was equality achieved? If not, why?

I believe that equality was and was not achieved in this story. It was achieved because intelligent people had to put a supressor on so that everybody's intelligence was equal and there were weights on peoples body because people were either stronger and taller than the average person. Although, equality was also not achieved because the people who invented the "handicaps" as they were called and the weights that were put on people do not have those items on them even though they are obviously smarter than the average person. This is why I think why equality was and was not achieved.

3. Who has the power and how is that power assured?

The person in this story who has the power is the Handicapper General who is named Diana Moon Glampers. She has the power because she has created all the weights and the handicaps for everybody in the society for the people who had more talent than others. This power is assured because the intelligent people cannot think long enough without the handicaps buzzing in their ears to do anything about the situation. This is why I think Diana Moon Glampers has the people an that is also why I think the power is assured.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Daily Journal Grasp Task

Day 7:

I just wanted to let everybody know that I was sick for 2 days so this for me is only day 5. Except today I upgraded my mine and built a farm for our digital model in Minecraft. We got 2 animals, 1 cow and 1 sheep. We figured out how to make sheers so we sheered the wool of of the sheep. I also finished my input/ output chart today which is a great relief off my back. Some things that I would like to get done for tomorrow is to breed more cows and capture more animals for our barn, go deeper into my mine and fine more natural resources, and I need to farm more wheat for food.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Daily Journal

MrPandamanXL is here. I am almost finished my input/output chart and my groups sustainable village is looking very good and definently a place that is sustainable for living. Tomorrow I am going to try to finish my input/output chart.

Monday 5 March 2012

Daily Journal

Today I finished my contamination report. It was on contamination in the water from hard rock mining. I need to work on tomorrow my input and output chart. I could have improved on today on my focus in class. I was a bit chatty.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Daily Journal

Today I have finished my 1 page report which is a big accomplishment for our Grasp Task. Something that I would like to accomplish for tomorrow is my input/ output chart. Two things I would have done differently today would be to stay more focused and maybe I should be more prepared for next time.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Speech Full


Did you know that obesity is the number 1 killer in the United States? Hi, I am Sam Charlton and I am going to explain how obesity is an avoidable problem in our times.

But before we get to far into this let’s talk about what obesity really is. Obesity is a very serious medical condition in which extra body fat has increased to the point where it may have an effect on the person’s health.

In the year 2000, over 400,000 people died because of obesity only in America. This is a very serious disease that needs to stop immediately.  This year just from January 1, 2012 to Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 31283 people died of obesity. Over 63% of Americans are obese. That means that in America, 6 out of 10 people you pass are obese.  

Having Obesity in your life can mean a shortened life, chest pain, and sleep apnea, which is the difficulty to breath while sleeping.  Some of the other life threatening side affects to obesity are type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and circulatory problems in general.

One of the causes of obesity today would be that people are eating more processed food than healthy food. For instance, one slice of pepperoni pizza from pizza hut has 250 calories, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and 590 mg of sodium. This is not a healthy food choice for anybody. While you’re average garden salad has 49 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 23mg of salt not to mention the benefit of all the vitamins you find in salad, which you don’t find in pizza. You decide which ones healthier.

There is a theory that obesity can also be caused by the fact that healthy food costs more than junk food. People with less money eat more junk food like McDonalds because it is more affordable to them than it is to buy a healthy meal for them. You cannot blame this on the person with obesity.

Our lifestyles today are very busy. Most families today have two working parents. Food shopping and preparing for a healthy meal can be very difficult and certainly time consuming. This is another reason why people choose fast food over healthy food so that they can get a quick meal inexpensively because on the surface, a supersized meal at McDonalds at the drive thru for less then eight dollars. It would take a lot more creativity and time to make a healthy meal for eight dollars but it is really important that we need to think about how that can be possible.

Cyril Connolly once said, “ Imprisoned in every obese man, a thin one is wildly signalling to be let out.” This quote means that every man has the desire to change.  However, it starts with making better choices in general even when they are not easy. For instance, we need to take more time into shopping and preparing healthy food rather than pulling into the next drive thru. We need to educate children like us earlier so that they know what is healthy and what isn’t. Finally we need to make sure that healthy food choices are available and affordable in our school and work cafeterias.   So, now that you have heard this speech, I hope that you understand that obesity is a really big problem for our times that can be avoided and it starts with making better choices.



Monday 13 February 2012

English Questions Continued

3. What part of the story was the funniest? or most exciting? or saddest? Explain.
 I think that the most exciting part of the story that I am at so far is after Sami, Marty, and Andy were getting interrogated by the Hermit on the Island. I think this because this is the most suspense and action packed moment because of the fact that the hermit is pointing a shotgun at Sami's forehead. This made me want to read on and see what else was going to happen in the book Borderline.

Well, thats it for now. Don't forget, I have my weekly video coming out tomorrow. It might be mine, it might be somebody else's but I know that there will be a video tomorrow. 

Monday 6 February 2012

Hi, i'm going to say why I think that Stewardship is better than Dominion.

Weekly Video

Hey guys, I'm now going to start a weekly video kind of thing. So if you like this video, don' t forget to subscribe and like on youtube to my channel called MrPandamanXL

English Questions

2. Choose a character from the book and tell what you think about that person. Would you like to have that person as a friend? Why or why not? Be specific and use examples to defend your decision. 

A character I would choose fromt the book Borderline would be the main character Sami Sabiri. I think that I would like to have Sami as a a friend because he is kind and funny at times. He is also a guy who would always go with a guys decision.

Monday 30 January 2012

I once said that pandas are the best animal in the world and guess what, they are. Pandas are an interesting animal that live in the North-Western mountain ranges of China. They have distinctive dark patches on their body that stand out which makes them unique in their own way. They are very quiet but if pushed, they will attack. They are my favourite animal because they are different from everybody else. Just like me.

The giant panda is an endangered specie. Did you know that there are only 2000 giant panda left in captivity? In total, there are only 4785 pandas left in the world. Luckily, there are organizations like the WWF who help endangered species.

So internet, what's your favourite animal?

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Dominion Vs Stewardship

 Today I will explain why I think Stewardship is better than Dominion. For starters, Dominion replaces resources with inventions and say that it is a "better substitute" for our natural resources. Fact is, this is damaging the environment. While stewardship preserves resources for the environment. Stewardship's try to preserve for the next generation because the earth is eventually passed on to the next generation. These are reasons why I think Stewardship is better than Dominion. My T-Chart is done below.

Essential Questions

 What is technology?

Dominion means to control over and area or territory
A steward is a person who manages someone else’s property
Ocean resources are available to anyone with the motivation and the investment to make them
Preservation for the future is important, because eventually, the earth is passed on to the next generation
Dominion has been popular for the past 500 years
Wise stewardship means that the earth and its resources are used carefully
Human intelligence will solve resource depletion problems by using new technology
Steward’s reserve resources by using them no faster than their replacement rates
Inventions will replace natural resources like with even better substitutes

This is a great video named the last lecture. I hope you enjoy!

Science/Geo Story of Stuff

2-3 things that were interesting about Conrad's answer's were that they were well thought out and had good information. Also, the answer's of Conrad were very creative. His responses were very well thought out and unique in a way. Please follow to his blog http://123TMP.blogspot.com.

Monday 23 January 2012

Hi, this is a speech which I think is really great. It is with Randy Pausch and is called the last lecture.
Here is the url.

Friday 20 January 2012


Hi MrPandamanXL here, and I will be talking about a book I am reading called Borderline. Borderline is about a 15, almost 16,
year old boy named Sami Sabiri. He is the only muslim child at his school. He and his parents are very connected towards him and their religious beliefs. This is all I have read so far and I will keep you in touch about whats happening.